Dietitian Nutritionist Discusses Weight Loss and Exercise Myths

Welcome to the world of online nutrition therapy and virtual counseling. As expert dietitian nutritionist, we want to debunk some common myths about nutrition and exercise, weight loss, and weight gain.

First up, the myth that 3500 calories equal a pound of weight loss. While there is a direct relationship between energy balance and weight loss, the human body is much more complex than a simple equation of subtracting 3500 calories from our diets or burning 3500 calories. Every body is unique and weight loss is not a linear process. Dietitians are now more conservative in weight loss prediction and are cutting back on the predicted pounds of loss per year, as metabolism changes in the human body are much more complex than once thought.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published findings that took into account the seemingly infinite variables that impact weight loss and put them to the test. While they came up with an equation that can be used as a weight loss predictor, there’s still a mystery element in weight loss that even the best dieticians, nutritionists and personal trainers can’t predict.

But one thing is for sure, today is a great day to make steps toward a healthier weight. Health is a lifetime goal, not one to be made just for bikini season. Online nutrition therapy and virtual counseling can help you navigate the complex world of weight management and health. Age-old knowledge changes with information, science, and research. By debunking common myths, we can better understand our bodies, nutrition, weight loss, and health.