6 Eating and Exercise Tips for a Healthy Prostate from an Online Dietitian

It’s a month to celebrate dads. And what better way to do so than to celebrate their health?

Prostate cancer ranks as the second most common cancer among men in the United States, and it remains a significant cause of cancer-related deaths in this population. Recent data from the CDC indicates that approximately 12-13 out of every 100 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer during their lifetime, and 2-3 will succumb to the disease.

Although all men are susceptible to this cancer, African American men and men with a family history of the disease face a higher risk of developing it, with the former experiencing a more aggressive form of cancer at a younger age. Other factors that may increase the likelihood of prostate cancer include age, as the risk increases with age, and being overweight.

It is advisable for all men to engage in discussions with their healthcare providers regarding their individual risk factors for prostate cancer and possible screening measures. While not everyone exhibits symptoms, recognizing key warning signs such as difficulty initiating urination, weak and interrupted urination flow, frequent urination at night, or difficulty emptying the bladder, among others, can facilitate early detection.

Similar to other chronic illnesses and cancers, we have more control over preventing prostate cancer than we realize. We know we’re starting to sound repetitive, but it’s important to emphasize that an active lifestyle accompanied by good food choices provides the most effective defense against chronic diseases, including prostate cancer.

While incorporating a superfood like kale into your diet may not necessarily protect against cancer cells, adopting a consistently healthy eating pattern can make a difference. Here are six eating and exercise recommendations to promote healthier living.

  1. Be Mindful. Rather than focusing on finishing everything on your plate, eat until you feel satisfied. Take the time to sit down at a table and disconnect from distractions like phones, TVs, and computers. Consider taking your lunch to a nearby park if you work in an office. Making mealtimes sacred can help you appreciate the nourishment your body needs.
  2. Incorporate a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Choose deep leafy greens, bright oranges, dark purples, and bright reds. Aim for half of your dinner plate to consist of fruits and vegetables. The more colorful and diverse the options, the better. Fruits and vegetables are loaded with antioxidants and phytochemicals that help protect cells from cancerous mutations.
  3. Limit red meat and processed meats. Instead, opt for healthier protein sources like fish, eggs, chicken, and vegetable proteins such as soy, lentils, and beans. Replacing one burger or steak per week with a healthier protein option like white meat can make a significant difference in reducing your risk of cancer.
  4. Incorporate whole grains such as whole grain pasta and rice, quinoa, chia, and hearty breads.  Swap simple carbohydrates for complex carbohydrates to boost your fiber intake and overall nutrition. Start by switching from white to wheat bread and making small changes like this over time.
  5. Healthy fats found in foods like olive oil, fatty fish, and avocados are excellent choices to balance your diet. Cutting back on animal fats like butter, cream, and red meat, as well as trans fats often found in packaged foods, is essential. Try spreading almond butter or avocado on your toast, or drizzling olive oil over your salad. These fats are packed with flavor and nutrients that can help you enjoy your meals while staying healthy.

Adopting healthy habits can significantly improve our overall well-being by incorporating nutritious food choices and regular exercise into our daily routines. These positive lifestyle changes can not only help us lower our risk of developing prostate cancer but also safeguard us against various chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, diabetes, and mental health disorders.

As we commemorate June and honor the men in our lives, what better way to show our appreciation than by encouraging them to adopt healthy habits that will benefit their physical and mental health for years to come?